
Parcel Tracker


Parcel Tracker is an application that allows our customers to record parcels that are coming in and out of their office. The app can be downloaded on both iPhone and Android which syncs to web based portal. Parcels can be scanned and a message is sent to the recipent who then signs for the parcel at collection. Outbound parcels can be scanned and allocated to a courier company whose driver then signs as proof of collection.

What you will learn:

1. How to download the app
2. Managing users and buildings 3. Managing recipients
4. Scanning parcels in and capturing signatures
5. Scanning parcel out and courier hand-off
6. Addings notes to parcel events

Tracked Mail and Registered Post Imprint


Our Secure Mail app allows users to prepare Tracked Mail and Registered Post online. It caters for single and multiple document uploads and also can produce a coversheet only. Users can send advanced shippment notifications to let the receiver know the articles is on its way. All tracking events are available online, including the signature on delivery for Registered Post articles.

What you will learn:

1. What is Tracked mail and Registered Post
2. Uploading a document set
3. Producing a coversheet
4. Adding attachments
5. Sending shippment notifications
6. Tracking and reporting

Mobile Mailroom


eConnect Plus has been operating a mobile mailroom service since 2009. Customers can create their mailing statement online, get pricing, manage cost centre charge back and produce detailed reporting on their postage lodgments. A same driver (employee not contractor) collects the outgoing mail at the same time everyday.

What you will learn:

1. What is the Mobile Mailroom service
2. How to manage cost centers
3. How to prepare a mailing statement
4. Managing lodgments and reporting
5. Parcel labeling process

Freight Management


The Freight Management app allows users to check pricing and lead times for Star Track, Toll and Australia Post delivery services. The freight labels are created using the same label stock for each carrier. Labels can be printed via a laser printer for smaller users or Zebra blaster for larger volumes Collection is done via our mobile mailroom driver network.

What you will learn:

1. Rate and leadtime calculator
2. Creating and consignment label
3. Edit, reprint and delete label
4. Adding a new consignee
5. Bulk upload
6. Reporting

Inbound Mail Management

Overview: Digitise your incoming mail and send to staff using our automated delivery process. Delivery can be sent via email or through more secure methods such as secure email and digital mailbox.

What you will learn:

1. Adding users and departments 2. What is an inbound mail manager
3. Upload your company directory
4. Dept and letter headers sheets 
5. Delivery options

Digital / Hybrid Mail


User can upload multiple or single document to create barcoded letters. Manage attachments, print options and choose to print to a local printer or send to the eConnect Plus print room for processing and lodgment with Australia Post.

What you will learn:

1. What is Digital / Hybrid Mail
2. Setting up the job
3. Uploading the documents
4. Managing attachments
5. Using a print driver
6. Reporting

Workflow Automation


Our workflow automation app, allows users to send out documents and messages various delivery methods. We use action based, cascading intelligence. Which means, if you deliver a communication via one channel, and there is no response, it moves onto the next step of the workflow. We can do this by using meta data tags, on the links embedded in the communication to determine if an action has been taken.

What you will learn:

1. What is workflow automation
2. Setting up the workflow event
3. Deliver channel options
4. Uploading data and documents
5. Mandatory responses
6. Reporting

Help Desk

Overview: Turn emails and webforms inquiries into managable tickets. Assign to staff to manage outcomes. Prepare canned responses for regular requests. Close off tickets when the task is completed and get dashboard reporting on all activities.

What you will learn:

1. Connecting emails and webforms
2. Adding help desk operators
3. Assigning tickets to operators
4. Setting up canned responses
5. Reporting

Electronic Signature


Send documents out for esignature via our electronic signature app. Add multiple signature blocks and add objects such as text and check boxes. Options to get and document pre authorised before sending, get a 100 points identity checks from signees and book a virtual meeting room where all parties can be together to go through the document and sign together online.

What you will learn:

1. What is electronic signatures
2. Setting up the event
3. Getting a pre authorisation
4. Getting a 100 point identy check
5. A tour of the virtual meeting room
6. Certificate of completion
7. Reporting

Direct Mail Marketing


Our Diect Maill app allows users to prepare mail campaigns online, it includes a mapping tool where users can select postie rounds, electoral zone and demographic areas. There is also a mapping tool where a shape can be drawn to create a target area. User can send using both Australia Post’s Addressed and Unaddressed mail services.

What you will learn:

1. How to upload a data base
2. Using the mapping tools
3. Tour of the geo demographic tool
4. Using the design tool
5. Schedule the order with Australia Post


Email Marketing


Send to unlimited contacts using 20 different responsive design templates. Increase open rates by using our DMARC method to ensure there are no domain mismatches that you get with other email marketing tools that use spoofing.

What you will learn:

1. What is the science of emails
2. Tour of the design templates
3. Setting up a job
4. Upload artwork and designs
5. Campaign reporting

Social Media Management

Overview: Post to the major social media platforms through our social media app. Bulk uploaded posts and share them across ultiple platforms and use our calander function to keep track of your activity.

What you will learn:

1. Connecting to your social accounts
2. Bulk upload process
3. Calender management
4. Canva integration
5. Reporting